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Diploma Completion

The USD 305 Diploma Completion Program (DCP) provides a unique opportunity to assist adults in achieving a high school diploma.  Students utilize an educational computer program and are aided by a licensed teacher who helps them work at their own pace to complete credits needed for graduation.  Virtual student progress is monitored by our DCP Assistant and support is provided when our team sees a student may be struggling or has maybe stepped away from study for an extended period of time.

The virtual environment is a great option for students needing very little person to person support, has a very difficult schedule or has a small number of credits to complete!  The DCP program is a wonderful option under the Salina Adult Education Center umbrella of services.  SAEC supports the acquisition of a Central or South High School Diploma through the DCP program.

Students qualify to work within SAEC's Diploma Completion Program provided:

  • The student is 18 years of age.
  • Their original high school class cohort has graduated.

If you are interested in learning about the DCP program, please complete the PROGRAM INQUIRY FORM and submit.  A DCP staff member will reach out by phone and/or email very quickly.

If you have talked with DCP staff and decided to move forward with DCP, please complete the Records Request, Enrollment Form and Media Permissions Form!

DCP Hours of Operation

Monday:  11:00 am  - 2:00 pm
Tuesday:  8:30 - 10:30 am
Wednesday:  11:00 am - 2:00 pm
Thursday:  11:15 am - 3:15 pm
Friday: CLOSED

**DCP hours may change occasionally.  Please check active Edgeniuity messages for staffing updates.